Monday, 28 August 2017

Card Number 3 from First Masterboard

Card Number 3 from First Masterboard

A  design similar to the last one, but with different coloured card layers, a wee effort at calligraphy, and an envelope made from a different Gelli-print.

A bit of edging and detail using a gold Uniball Signo gives it a bit more zip, the photo doesn't really pick it up. 

The colours of the card and envelop are far more similar than how it appears in the photos. 

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Masterboard -- First Attempt 

Finally experimenting with a masterboard approach to card making.  I was particularly inspired by the Paper Artsy video tutorial on the technique (you can see it here).

So I picked out a gelli-print from several years ago, one that I liked but that felt incomplete.  I've got a tonne of these that I don't know what to do with, and so I was hoping that a masterboard approach would get me unstuck.  

Unfortunately, I neglected to take a photo at this stage.  I brayered on a few more layers of paint and then stamped and stencilled flowers, lettering and butterflies on top of that:

I've included a few close-ups as well:

I then cut it up into various pieces:

I pulled out a few different colours of card to get a sense of what to do next -- a bit like trying on clothes (but so much more enjoyable).  

I sometimes stumble on the colour that feels like the perfect fit.  I can't say that happened this time, but I'm relatively satisfied with the first two cards:

The rest of the cards made from this masterboard can be found herehere, and here

Monday, 14 August 2017

Gelliprinting and Stencils

Mucking about with colour combinations I wouldn't normally consider

Sunday, 13 August 2017